Give employees better healthcare At lower cost

Faster access to care, lower claims and less time off work

Trusted By

The service is so easy to use. I spoke to someone within a few minutes. I did the exercises prescribed and I already feel better
- Joy O, Patient

It was great to talk to someone about my symptoms without having to go into a doctor's office. I was prescribed exercises for my knee and if it's not better then we'll move to making an appointment with an orthopedist. Perfect!

- Yesenia R., Patient

The state of Connecticut has been working with Upswing for more than 2 years. The Upswing team has been an outstanding partner. They have been very flexible in meeting our plan’s needs. Our members that have engaged with their service have reported very positive experiences and our initial review of the data indicates the program is having a positive financial impact on the plan

- Joshua Wojcik, Assistant Comptroller at State of Connecticut

for Employers

20% - 30% of employer healthcare costs are from muscle & joint injuries

…And 40% of those injuries are initially misdiagnosed, resulting in millions of wasted healthcare dollars for employers. When you add the average 360 million days of lost productivity from musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, you have the single largest healthcare expense for most American employers.

Upswing was created by orthopedic surgeons to provide employees with immediate access to care with AI-based symptom assessment screening, on-demand consultations with certified athletic trainers equipped with a library of physical therapist created exercises, and telehealth visits with our orthopedic physicians.

Upswing effectively manages and resolves over 60% of all MSK injuries.

Employers who use Upswing Health can save f $1100 per episode in their MSK healthcare costs.

Lower Costs

Employers pay an average $3000 per episode for musculoskeletal injuries (not including lost workdays). The average Upswing cost to the employer per episode is $300 - $500 and doesn’t require time off from work and lost productivity.

Learn more about how Upswing can save you money

Better Access to Care

Employees love being able to connect with an Upswing medical professional from anywhere, anytime, when they or their family experience pain. With our physician designed AI-based injury assessment app, they never have to worry about what’s wrong while waiting to see a doctor.

Learn more about how Upswing provides faster access to care

Less time off work

When people don’t have to wait to see a doctor, run to get an MRI or wait for a referral to find out what’s wrong and how to begin rehabilitation, not only are less healthcare dollars spent, but less workdays are wasted with physician office and laboratory visits.

Learn more about how Upswing improves productivity

Reduce healthcare costs
(while offering better benefits)

Less office visits and faster access to care means lower claims

Nearly 40% of MSK conditions are initially misdiagnosed. Consequently, patients often receive the wrong treatment from the start wasting time and money. More importantly, patients must wait in pain for answers.

Some patients are required to visit their primary care doctor first, then go to a specialist who may order additional x-rays or MRIs before typically providing them with simple exercises they can do on their own. This process costs employers $3000 per episode on average, in addition to days of lost work. For employees, though, it usually means living with pain while waiting for appointments, getting child care and asking for time off work.

Reduce healthcare costs (while offering your employees better benefits)

Reduce healthcare costs (while offering better benefits)


That’s why Upswing’s team of orthopedic physicians developed an AI-powered app that can provide patients with actionable information regarding the nature of their injury or condition. Upswing’s curated condition-specific content pages then helps identify patients who are likely to benefit from virtual care and not need an in-person visit with a physician, a trip to the ER or to Urgent Care. Patients are provided a personalized condition-specific self-help exercise regimen that they can do right at home. Next, our Upswing Coaches are available on demand, seven days a week from 8am to 8pm. All Upswing Coaches are Certified Athletic Trainers. They review and refine the rehabilitation program and do something unique - they follow the patient on their journey to full recovery!

This process costs employers $300 - $500 per episode on average and usually requires no time off work.

Learn how Upswing can lower your company’s healthcare costs while improving your employee’s access to orthopedic care.

Same plan. Better benefits. Lower cost.

Immediate access to medical information reduces medical claims – and anxiety

Learn more about how Upswing takes the confusion out of muscle and joint injuries, and lowers cost by improving access to care.

Schedule a Demo

The best part of Upswing for employers is seeing your employees’ faces when they realize that they can actually speak to an orthopedic medical professional in minutes with no doctor appointment, waiting rooms or copays – and receive answers to their questions.

The first thing people want to know after an injury is how serious it is and whether or not they need to see a doctor or go to the ER. In the current healthcare environment, many people just avoid the doctor altogether and live with pain until their condition worsens. Somerush straight to the ER. For the ones who do see a doctor, they often wait days for answers, going from primary care physician to x-ray to PT and then to an orthopedic surgeon just to find out what’s wrong.

With Upswing’s algorithms and symptom assessment tool, your employees can immediately get answers to these questions based on their symptoms – and then follow up with a video call to an Upswing Coach minutes later. Since most musculoskeletal injuries can be treated at home, their Upswing Coach can check in with them throughout their recovery process, and using motion-tracking technology, provide detailed personalized downloadable rehabilitation video exercises they can do on their own. When needed, an Upswing orthopedic physician is available for a telehealth consult within 24 hours. Even more, if an in-office appointment is indicated, Upswing can help navigate your employee to a high-quality orthopedic surgeon.

for Employers
Frequently Asked Questions

Upswing’s pricing is flexible and can structure employer payment plans several ways. All result in substantial cost savings for employers.

American employers spend an average of $1000 per member per year in claims costs on musculoskeletal injuries or approximately $3000 per MSK episode per engaged member. By contrast, Upswing’s employer customers spend an average of $300 - $500 per episode on musculoskeletal injuries.

Upswing can structure employer payment plans in one of several ways.

  • - Per employee per month

  • - A lower per employee per month blended with a per engagement case rate

  • - A per engagement case rate alone (a fee-per-episode model allows employers only to pay when their employees use Upswing Health).

  • - For some larger employers, Upswing also offers a shared savings model, where Upswing is paid a percentage of total MSK claims costs saved.

The current state of orthopedic care delivery is totally misaligned.

Over 50% of MSK injuries can be managed virtually, at home, using curated condition specific physical therapist developed self-help exercises – and followed by an Upswing Coach.

Additionally, over 46% of orthopedic injuries are initially misdiagnosed (typically because a professional with orthopedic expertise was not available to assess the condition). This misdiagnosis is a key contributor to the 50% failure rate of initial orthopedic interventions to solve the intended problem.

Collectively, for many employers, this has created the largest single category of healthcare spend riddled with waste, inefficiency and lost productivity.

It’s easy to envision Upswing’s comprehensive and coordinated virtual first approach resolving most of these entrenched problems.

Yes, Upswing was designed by a team of orthopedic doctors to solve this problem.

Upswing Coaches are a patient’s first point of contact with a broad network of Upswing’s orthopedic specialists. They are all Certified Athletic Trainers specializing in the initial evaluation of soft tissue, bone and joint injuries.

Certified Athletic Trainers are sports medicine specialists who you often see run out onto the field to evaluate injured players. They are trained to review a patient’s response to Upswing’s symptom assessment tool and answer questions about their symptoms, injuries, and treatment options. They closely follow and monitor Upswing’s patients and personalize their self-help rehabilitation programs. Our Coaches can arrange a telehealth visit with an Upswing orthopedic physician who can provide more in-depth assessment, treatment and specialized care. Our Upswing physicians can even arrange for x-rays and MRI scans. If in-person physical therapy or an orthopedic surgical consultation is necessary, Upswing Coaches can help navigate the patient to these important resources.

Upswing’s Orthopedic Physicians are Board Certified doctors who specialize in Sports Medicine and/or Orthopedic Surgery. These doctors work within Orthopedic practices or with sports teams, and help guide patients through non-surgical measures. Our physicians have decades of experience and have worked in numerous sub-speciality fields.

No problem! Upswing works seamlessly within your network of care. Depending on the program, our care team can also assist you with referrals for imaging (x-rays and MRI scans) and when necessary appointments with in-network physical therapists or orthopedic surgeons. Our mission is to guide you on the right care path as quickly as possible, with our care team or when necessary with other in-network providers.

Have Questions?

Contact us today to learn more.